Sunday, September 11, 2005

I'm a fool there's no doubt, but when the sun comes out (but only when the sun comes out...)

Have I mentioned that my trip gets better and better?

It does get better.

And let me remind you all that I am mostly unable to proofread or edit these posts, as internet is expensive here.

Maybe I can describe yesterday quickly. Besides being wonderful.

I took a train to Montorossa, the first of the 5 towns and walked from there to the next two towns. Steep rocky steps going up, up, up along the Italian coast, through vinyards...

After yesterday, any regret I felt for not going to Peru and exploring the Inca Trail was reduced to very little. Climbing through the rocky hills, green to my left and right, hot vapor rising from the sun soaked plants, the ocean shining to my right...oh, so good.

Because I am alone, I got to walk as quickly or as slowly as I liked. Which ended up being fairly fast. At times I was running uphill! I think I have gotten into much better shape from the walking in Iceland and the other cities, so felt strong even on these fairly difficult walks. I had to eat a lot of food to keep myself energized, but why complain about pizza and olive foccaccia for breakfast?

I met a couple from wine country California on their honeymoon that had met on Said good bye to them when we reached the next town, where I had a salad and wine lunch to the sound of a duo playing Italian music in the square.

The next leg of the walk was equally beautiful. Lots of up. Lots of down.

Oh, I think I may be immune to sunburn. After almost 4 hours of walking, most with my shirt off, much in direct sunlight, I barely got a tan. What happened to me? I used to burn.

At the second town, I realized that I was tired, and the my legs were a bit scraped up by the bathing suit I was wearing, ate a gelato, talked to an older couple from Georgia who have been to Italy 10 times in the last 35 years and took a train back home.

Refreshing shower, nice dinner at the one restaurant in town that takes credit card (salmon pasta, so, so good) and some wine and back to Bar Centrale to see who I would meet.

Chatting and drinking with a bunch of folks until late at night, ended up on the beach watching a lightning storm and singing ABBA songs with strangers.

So nice, so relaxing.

The lightning storm in the moonlight was something to see. Come, you really should!


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